We’re ending the cycles of generational trauma.
The Institute of Trauma and Economic Justice aims to break cycles of intergenerational trauma in communities one county at a time by bringing together the collective resources of the community to repair, reward, reconcile and renew those most affected by trauma and by introducing evidence-based strategies that eliminate barriers to equitable health and prosperity.
In order to address difficult times that most people don’t want to remember, it’s important to educate ourselves and others on the best way to identify and intervene with trauma-influenced behavior. This is why we have trauma informed training programs for:
Community organizations
Corporate Leadership, Management & Teams
Faith-Based Organizations
Criminal Justice system
Bring Together
No one person can help a world who is still trying to heal. The same truth applies to organizations. This is why our aim is to be a connector of resources between people, organizations and communities to amplify:
Workforce Development Initiatives
Access to behavioral health therapy and specialized mental health professionals
Mentoring and Coaching Programs
Advocacy Groups
Local Black and Brown Businesses
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Informing and bringing people together lays the foundation to do the real work: To heal ourselves and communities who want to be uplifted with…
Trauma informed workshops
Virtual seminars on any of the 7Literacy Jewels
Amplifying existing programs
Community events that create positive experiences
(e.g. Faith & Blue)
Reentry programs and services
Homelessness prevention, intervention and reintegration
“When people are behaving in apparently self-destructive ways, it’s time to stop asking what’s wrong with them, and time to start asking what happened to them.”
— Dr. Robert Anda, The Real Causes Of Depression Have Been Discovered, And They're Not What You Think
To become an ITEJ Partner, ITEJ Advocate, or ITEJ Intern For Change in your community, email info@itej.org for more information on how you can be a difference maker.